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What is Business Credit? What is My Business Credit Score

Published By Credit Suite at January 18th, 2016

Your Question Was Great: What is My Business Credit Scorewhat is my business credit score Credit Suite2 - What is Business Credit? What is My Business Credit Score

It’s the question on every business owner’s mind. What is my business credit score?

Most people are familiar with how personal credit works.  You start with no credit profile. Then you get small credit cards to initially build your credit score. And then as your credit grows, you can use it to qualify for loans, auto vehicle financing, even mortgages.

With business credit you can do the exact same thing.

A business itself can also start with nothing. And then put small credit accounts on the report called “vendor” accounts to establish a score. Then you can use that credit to qualify for loans, auto vehicle financing, even mortgages.

Business Credit Advantages

Having business credit provides any business owner some major advantages. For one, with both personal and business credit built the business owner has double the borrowing power as the owner now has two profiles they can use to obtain credit.

When business credit is built the right way, you can build it with no personal credit check or guarantee. This makes it perfect for credit challenged individuals, and those who want to eliminated their personal liability on their business debts.

But you may be wondering – just what is my business credit score?

All too many business owners get into serious trouble. Or they lose their personal assets, even file personal bankruptcies. And they do this all to get rid of business debt. With business credit this doesn’t need to happen. This is because the business owner isn’t liable for the business debts. Instead, only the business is.

That means in case of default, the lender couldn’t pursue the personal assets of the business owner.

What Does The SBA Say?

The SBA states that business credit approvals are typically 10-100 times higher than consumer credit approvals. So another benefit of business credit is the business can get a lot more money in approvals.

And, business credit can be built quickly. So, this is much faster than consumer credit. It is very practical for a business to qualify for credit within 90 days or less. And then build that credit to a point where the business is getting $10,000 credit card approvals within 6 months or less.

Business credit is one of the strongest assets any business can have.

So ask yourself: what is my business credit score?

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