Hear from our clients why our business credit and partner program are so awesome.



Ela Pitkin

Ela Pitkin

Orange County, CA

Helping businesses access money when they needed to grow to move or to invent new things to delight us. That's very satisfying.

I became an entrepreneur back in 2004 right after the birth of my second daughter. I wanted to be able to spend more time with them and still help people. I’ve always been in this industry. I started in my early 20s as a residential loan officer specifically working with credit challenged people. And today we’re still helping credit challenged people making their dreams come true. What excites me most about our business is clients like Martha a recent client whose credit was damaged by a recent divorce and we were able to fix it quickly and now she and her children are living in their dream home. With the help of credit suite a few years ago when we were moving into our current office. We needed new furniture, computers, copier machines. And we were able to obtain a large line of credit as well as several high limit credit cards to be able to afford it all. Through credit suite. We were able to get merchant advances as well as loans against our open invoices to help us with our cash flow.

Access to capital and credit has changed our business dramatically because in lean times we’re able to continue with our marketing efforts to pick up extra business. I felt comfortable working with credit suite because they partner with the biggest names in the industry experience business credit monitoring as well as Dun and Bradstreet. If they trust him I know I can do through the Business Finance suite. We’ve been able to obtain financing to buy the building we’re in right now. This itself is saving us thousands and rent. Not only that but we’re building a business leveraging other people’s money. Most small companies fail in the first five years because they’re undercapitalized.

 Being able to help businesses access money when they needed to grow to move or to invent new things to delight us. That’s very satisfying.