Hear from our clients why our business credit and partner program are so awesome.



Herman Dolce Jr

Herman Dolce Jr

Elkins Park, PA

My one on one consultants still call me every other Wednesday without fail and that's absolutely incredible

Credit Suite proved themselves to me very early when I started my relationship with them. At first, I wanted to first see how it worked for myself before I expanded out to my clients and when they say they’re going to do something. They were very on time with it. You’re your one on one consultant calls you within 24 hours of you signing up. They call you at least five times a week in the first two weeks and then after that even though it’s been several years, I’ve been with them. My one on one consultants still call me every other Wednesday without fail and that’s absolutely incredible. So now that it worked out well for me the same template the same work that they get to me they’re giving to my clients.


My favorite part about offering business credit and business financing is the reaction that my clients get when they find that they’re able to get 40 50 60 thousand dollars in a two-week time period. Their eyes just light up and you can hear them over the phone. They’re texting me they’re emailing me when they get their offer letters. I think that’s the best part because it’s one thing to be able to get it but to know that you didn’t have that option before and someone is giving you that option and that possibility in such a short period of time is life changing. Well, the impact that what my industry does is because many fold. So, for credit repair, somebody is trying to reach their dream of getting a car or buying a house.


If I put them in a better position, they’re able to obtain it in my real estate development and with business credit and I combined those two investors that have good credit but have no access to capital with business credit. I’m able to get them large amounts of funding so that they can reach their real estate dreams and purchase multiple properties on multi-family that they wouldn’t have access to business credit and give them the capital to do so. Well, personally credit suite has helped me because I’m able to get more time back into my life to give to my family and to actually grow my business professionally. It’s helped me I guess network even more because I’m able to provide such a great service I’m able to connect with a lot more people that I probably wouldn’t have been able to connect with. Like I’ve I’ve started working with a real estate developer in Philadelphia because I’m able to get access to his clients these types of business credit and that is growing my business.


I mean to speak at different events about the knowledge and resources that Credit Suisse has actually taught me. So it’s put me at different platforms made me meet many different peoples because I’ve implemented the system that they have put in place. I was able to get credit just using my businesses ESPN which is basically my business as a social security number just solely doing that. I went through two different tiers and I was able to access a lot of capital.


My favorite line of credit that I got using business credit Sweet was Amazon. So I have a ten thousand dollar amazon card and of course, my wife loves it also. But it’s just for business purposes mainly that I use it and I use it to purchase things low and sell high on different marketplaces. So that’s a great line for me to have. The second line of credit that I’m able to get is that because I have good credit, I was able to personally guarantee some of my business I was able to get 40 thousand dollar Amex business card. And what’s great about it is none of that debt shows up on my personal credit report. It’s like max out the card and it doesn’t hurt me personally. So I was able to purchase two properties in Cleveland Ohio and it’s been a blessing. When you’re able to help people and make money at the same time. It’s absolutely fulfilling.


So whether it’s credit repair business credit or real estate I’m helping people reach their dreams and it makes me feel good.