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Become a Brilliant Boss and More –10 Brilliant Business Tips of the Week

Published By Janet Gershen-Siegel at December 13th, 2019

The Hottest and Most Brilliant Business Tips for YOU – Become the World’s Most Brilliant Boss and More

Our research ninjas at Credit Suite smuggled out ten amazing business tips for you! Be fierce and score in business with the best tips around the web. You can use them today and see fast results. You can take that to the bank – these are foolproof! Become a brilliant boss to your employees today!

Stop making stupid decisions and start powering up your business. Demolish your business nightmares and start celebrating as your business fulfills its promise.

And these brilliant business tips are all here for free! So settle in and scoop up these tantalizing goodies before your competition does!

#10. Holiday Etiquette to Attract Customers

Our first jaw-dropping tip is all about the best etiquette for holiday postings. Manta says this time of year can be terrific for bringing in more customers. But how?

brilliant boss Credit Suite2 - Become a Brilliant Boss and More –10 Brilliant Business Tips of the WeekDecorations!

You’ve (maybe) already decorated your store. But what about your website? Go beyond the clichés – but avoid overly religious imagery unless it fits. After all, if your store sells bibles, then go for it.

But if you’re a realtor, a creche is probably not going to be the best of ideas. Still, there are plenty of other ideas. Consider this idea – when your intrepid blog writer was growing up, there was a very boxy older home in town. The house was probably built at the start of the last century or so. It was white, with black shutters and a gray roof. It was a realtor’s office.

Just your standard house, right?

But they had the best holiday decoration, bar none.

It was a huge red ribbon, with a bow in the front, diagonally hung from the second floor down to the ground.

The house looked like a big holiday present. It was likely an inexpensive decoration. There were no specific lights for it. It probably just had to be folded up and stuffed into some big box to be stored.

And … that was it.

Simple. Elegant. Timeless.

People loved it.

There have been others since. But this one was spot-on perfect. And at the time, it was original.

Get a Second Opinion

We cannot stress this one enough. There are, unfortunately, so many ways to mess holiday communications up. Egad, there are more of them than there are ways to get it right, eh?

A look at Hallmark Movies tells the tale.

They’re adding two Chanukah films this year! Yay?

Except one is about how a Jewish actor goes to a Christmas celebration and doesn’t know how to act. And the other is about a Jewish woman and her Christian coworker decorating their office for the holidays.

Oy vey.

No one ever asked for special attention. These films could have been presented as your standard Hallmark Christmas movies and no one would have batted an eye. Instead, they come out as what, to many folks (your blog post writer included), feels like Chanukah isn’t good or interesting enough so we need to wrap it up in pine trees and elves.

Hallmark, I have a lot of trouble believing you couldn’t find anyone Jewish in the entertainment business to bounce this idea off.


So please, I beg of you – run an idea like this past the people it affects the most. What you think might be a warm, inclusive idea just might turn out to be a good gesture sheen over second-class treatment to the very people you’re trying to attract.

Don’t be like Hallmark Movies when it comes to this.

#9. Better Cold Calling Can Be Yours

The next awesome tip is about better and more effective cold calling. Sales Hacker notes a lot of people ask silly questions or stick too closely to a script. Neither will help you.

But we really loved their other tip.

Learn Something From Every Call

Truthfully, this should be what you do with pretty much everything. But let’s just look at cold calling right now.

It can be tempting, in particular if you experience a bunch of these at once. But rejections, no doubt, are a great place to learn. Did you talk too fast? Or waste time? Did you sound unprepared? Were there objections unexpected?

Whatever it was, learn something! Otherwise, you’re just wasting your time.

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If you are as passionate about succeeding in business as we are, please help us spread the word about how to take the plunge and save time and money – and your sanity! Be the brilliant boss your employees need – and more!

#8. Have Your Salespeople Meet Your Sales Quota More Easily

Our following life-changing tip concerns making your sales quota. LinkedIn lays it all out for us. A simple sales strategy was one of our favorite ideas. An easy process is going to be more likely to be followed, yes?

And one of the best ways to simplify all of it is to help your salespeople better communicate value to their prospects. If it’s easy to enumerate what’s so great about your product, then your sales team is going to be far, far more likely to do that on the first call, the last call, and every call.

#7. Smash Those Content Marketing Myths

For our next sensational tip, we looked at banishing content marketing myths. G2 says that some of the least common practices seem to get the best results.

We recommend you read the entire article to get the benefit of all of their insights. Here’s the one that really jumped out at us.

Don’t Be All Things to All People

Well, they didn’t exactly put it that way. Rather, they said that publishing daily, everywhere, isn’t doing you any favors.

Egad, please shout this one from the rooftops. Tattoo it on the inside of your eyelids.

We ain’t kiddin’.

Being everywhere isn’t just silly and nonscalable. It’s also a lousy use of your resources. And it doesn’t target your audience. At. All.

If there is one marketing drumbeat we have been hearing throughout 2019, it’s this: specify, specialize, and get personal. Trying to target everyone with a firehose is a terrible way to market.

So don’t do it.

#6. Bring Back the Passion

This tip is so different, but it works! Addicted 2 Success tells us all about refueling your passion.

What made you want to start your business in the first place? Is it feeling just a little bit stale? Are you maybe burned out a little? Then this article is for you. We highly recommend reading the whole article.

So we’ll just concentrate on one thing here: joining a community.

It’s hard to sustain your passion when you feel like the Lone Ranger. So why not join a community of like-minded individuals? They may have ideas to help you become even more successful. Or they might just commiserate. There’s nothing like talking to someone else who’s been there, done that, got the tee shirt.

In fact, that’s kind of what your Chamber of Commerce, SCORE, and a number of other local organizations are all about. You don’t have to go it alone.

#5. You Can Become a Brilliant Boss

Grab this mind-blowing tip while it’s hot!

If you’ve ever wanted to become a brilliant boss, then here’s your chance.

Noobpreneur provides a baker’s dozen worth of  advice from the best bosses their contributors ever had.

We especially loved two of their tips.

Don’t Go it Alone

Wellll, they didn’t actually put it that way. Rather, they said a brilliant boss knows how to delegate. And a brilliant boss also knows how to encourage and elicit feedback.

We think those two go together. Consider this: the hardest, most stressful way you can work is to take the weight of the world on your shoulders and never, ever give it up to anyone else.

Don’t do this.

You have employees for a reason. Work with them! And let them in on the struggle. Their ideas just might make everyone’s life easier.

Get Your Hands Dirty

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In a way, this is a corollary to not going it alone.

Raise your hand if you ever had a boss who left you work to do on a deadline, told you it was imperative to get it out, and then grabbed their coat and left. Bonus points if they never bothered to forward the finished product, or didn’t return in time to get it out on time. And more bonus points if they sat on it, or claimed it wasn’t what they wanted – but they never told you what they wanted in the first place.

That’s passive-aggressive nonsense (there’s a nice, sanitized word for it). Don’t be that kind of a supervisor.

A brilliant boss gets in the trenches and works with their employees. They help out when the team is shorthanded. And they respect their employees’ hard work and don’t undermine it by sitting on time-sensitive work.

Let me tell you about my own experiences.

A Few True Stories

Your intrepid blog writer has had several bosses. But three tie for the title of Most Brilliant Boss. Here they are presented, in chronological order.

Amy was 100% organized. Her meetings were run like a steel trap. You always knew exactly what she wanted and needed. You knew her expectations. She was (still is!) an extraordinary communicator.

Maureen was informal and funny. The first time I ever met her, she was swearing about a report which wasn’t working for her. It was my first day on the job! And so I asked – how can I fix this for you? A few months later, I had the solution. To show her appreciation, she nominated me for a company award, which I won.

Alex is smart and is a great facilitator. He has a wonderful talent for getting in the middle of an issue between an employee and anyone else. He serves as a human shield, a buffer, if you will, between his charges and other departments. These other departments aren’t hostile – it’s more that he can interpret between them and make things better for all.

Back to You

Be organized like Amy. Know what you want and need, and ask for it clearly. Your employees will appreciate the directness, and not having to play let’s read the boss’s mind. You know, where they spin a big wheel and try to figure out just what the heck you meant by what you just said.

Communicate like Amy.

Be relaxed and appreciative like Maureen. Thank the people who work for you for what they do – and not just during the holidays! You never know how your documented appreciation can help someone out. My little company award story has gotten me jobs!

Thank like Maureen.

Be protective like Alex. Cherish your employees and treat them fairly. Don’t let others undermine them. You’re the one making the big (er, maybe just the ‘biggish’) bucks. So start acting like it, and get in the middle so your employees don’t have to bear the brunt.

Protect like Alex.

Thank you, Amy. I appreciate it, Maureen. And thank you, Alex.

brilliant boss Credit Suite4 - Become a Brilliant Boss and More –10 Brilliant Business Tips of the Week

If you are as passionate about succeeding in business as we are, please help us spread the word about how to take the plunge and save time and money – and your sanity! Be the brilliant boss your employees need – and more!

#4. Appreciate Your Employees Before They Find Someone Else Who Will

Check out this spectacular tip, all about showing employee appreciation. Entrepreneur notes that there are a number of creative ways to show appreciation to the people who work for you.

We really loved the idea of being public about it – as public as possible. You know all those company-wide emails you sometimes get because someone messed up? Why not turn them into a force for good?

Chris did an amazing job on the XYZ report and helped us keep this vital client. Thank you, Chris!

Sending that to everyone in the company means Chris can get accolades from everyone.

Point out errors and correct mistakes in private, praise in public.

#3. Manage All Around the World and In Cyberspace

It’s not your imagination: this winning tip can help you better manage virtual teams. Proof Hub tells us there are differing cultures everywhere, and they can sometimes come into conflict when it comes to how teams are structured. In particular, this has to do with how the boss is treated. Are they an elite in an ivory tower? Or is even the most brilliant boss considered to be just another member of the team?

None of these are ‘right’ or ‘wrong’, of course. They’re just a bit different.

Another area where things differ is in the area of holidays and days off.

A Fer Instance

Your intrepid blog writer has had jobs in four separate states: Delaware, New York, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts.

Even though all of these places are in the United States, they don’t have the same holidays.

Rhode Island has Victory Day in August (confidentially, we used to call it “Rhode Island Saves The World Day”). Massachusetts has Patriots Day in April. Lincoln’s Birthday in February is celebrated as a government holiday in Connecticut, Illinois, Missouri, and New York. And poor little Delaware doesn’t have a holiday of its own. So sad, Blue Hens.

If there are so many differences in the same country and even in the same time zone, then how can anyone expect the holidays will be the same in Bangladesh, the Philippines, Ireland, and Zaire?

A little sensitivity and imagination, as in a lot of places, can go a long way.

#2. Git ‘Er Done

Our second to last unbeatable tip can give you a new perspective on getting more done in your business. Success Harbor reveals all about improving efficiency in your business.

Truth is, this can work outside of your business.

Our fave tip was to prioritize.

Does anyone read the report you spend four hours preparing every month? If so, and they get actionable insights from it, then keep prepping that report. Although you may want to explore as many ways as possible to streamline that activity.

But if they don’t, then why are you doing? If there’s a value to the report, then can it come out semi-annually or even annually? And if there is no value whatsoever, then ditch it. Don’t waste your time on it.

#1. Get Organized!

We saved the best for last. For our favorite remarkable tip, we focused on the benefits of getting organized in your business. Young Upstarts says there are essential benefits to being organized in your business. That is, beyond saving your sanity!

We’d like to combine two – one is that you’ll be more focused, and the other is that you will have more time. We think these go hand in hand.

Picture it: you can find every single report you need, in seconds. The sales figures are right where you expect them to be. And you have your taxes organized.

The few seconds you spend filing, either in the real world or virtually, will save you hours later.

So which one of our brilliant business tips was your favorite? And which one will you be implementing now?

brilliant boss Credit Suite4 - Become a Brilliant Boss and More –10 Brilliant Business Tips of the Week

If you are as passionate about succeeding in business as we are, please help us spread the word about how to take the plunge and save time and money – and your sanity! Be the brilliant boss your employees need – and more!

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