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Interesting Marketing Tips for You – 10 Brilliant Business Tips of the Week

Published By Janet Gershen-Siegel at December 6th, 2019

The Hottest and Most Brilliant Business Tips for YOU – Write More Interesting Marketing Copy and More

Our research ninjas at Credit Suite smuggled out ten amazing business tips for you! Be fierce and score in business with the best tips around the web. You can use them today and see fast results. You can take that to the bank – these are foolproof! You’ll have more interesting copy!

Stop making stupid decisions and start powering up your business. Demolish your business nightmares and start celebrating as your business fulfills its promise.

And these brilliant business tips are all here for free! So settle in and scoop up these tantalizing goodies before your competition does!

#10. Be True to Your Customers and They Will Reward You With Loyalty

Our first jaw-dropping tip is all about getting more members for your membership program. If you have one, of course. Noobpreneur says a customer loyalty program is a great way to encourage repeated purchases. But that can only work if it’s a customer loyalty which actually appeals to your customers.

Otherwise, what’s the point?

Members Means Members Only – Or At Least it Should

There were two tips which we loved. One was to provide exclusive content via email. Your membership list is essentially your email list, or at least it should be. The other was to create and host members only events.

Need some inspiration when it comes to events?

The holidays are coming (eek, faster than I’m ready for, truth be told), so why not attach your event to them? Or express your gratitude to your members. Another idea is to offer exclusive training or goods or services to your loyalty customers during these events.

You can never, ever go wrong with gratitude.

#9. Keep Your Customers With Great Retention Emails

The next awesome tip is about the most necessary customer retention emails you need to send. Sleek Note notes it’s far easier to sell to your preexisting customers than hunt for new customers. And a great way to do this is to target your current customers with pertinent retention emails.

These emails can cover topics as varied as reminders and special occasions to birthday and anniversary celebrations.

One of the clearest trends we have been seeing all along is the personalization of marketing.

And these sorts of emails can help you do just that.

interesting marketing Credit Suite4 - Interesting Marketing Tips for You – 10 Brilliant Business Tips of the Week

Interesting Marketing

If you are as passionate about succeeding in business as we are, please help us spread the word about how to take the plunge and save time and money – and your sanity! More interesting marketing copy will help your business make more money.

#8. Control Your Business Spending, Or It Will Control Youinteresting marketing Credit Suite2 - Interesting Marketing Tips for You – 10 Brilliant Business Tips of the Week

Our following life-changing tip concerns creating a brilliant business budget. Small Biz Trends lays it all out for us. We are big fans of business budgeting. After all, it can lead rather directly to better chances for funding. There’s nothing that screams fundability quite so well or so loudly as having your business finances in order.

And having your future expenses in order? So much the better.

Understand The Terms

It can sometimes feel as if finance and accounting terms are in a foreign language. This terrific article breaks them down smartly and makes them more accessible.

The way to calculate fixed costs was particularly helpful.

And the best tip of them all? It’s to keep an emergency fund. Because you never know. And when you need that money, you will be so glad you remembered to set it aside.

So do your future self a favor, and sock away some of your profits for the proverbial rainy day. If you put them in your budget, then you’ll know how much you can afford to set aside. And you’ll know just how far that cash will go, if you need to tap into it.

#7. What Does Your Brand Look Like?

For our next sensational tip, we looked at bringing your brand to life. Score says that it’s a lot more involved than, perhaps, closing your eyes and pointing.

Er, don’t do that.

The article is intriguing and really should be read in its entirety, as it compares everything from the three primary colors (plus green) to basic shapes. It also discusses the merits of photography versus illustrations. And it even gets into candid shots versus posed ones.

A Fer-Instance

So let’s say you own an over the road trucking company. Square images tend to relay an air of security and professionalism. But you may want to go with a rectangle instead, in order to evoke a truck. As for colors, you probably don’t want red, with its connotations of danger and stopping. So you might do better with blue, which is associated with calm.

And when it comes to a font, you might want to go with sans serif (the letters don’t have those little extra bits – those are called serifs). Sans serif fonts have a clean and simple look. Serif fonts, on the other hand are more classic. You’d need to choose which makes more sense with your brand.

But don’t just take our word for it – make your own brand and it’ll truly be yours.

#6. Learn From Your Setbacks and Become a Better Leader

This tip is so smart, and it works! Startup Professionals tells us how leaders can best handle their inevitable setbacks. Because they are going to happen, like it or not.

Two tips we really loved were to control how you react and to ask for help if you need it. There is no shame in asking for assistance. You aren’t less of a leader if you get someone else to pitch in. Heck, delegating is a good idea no matter what.

And controlling your reaction is often the only thing you can control. You can let your setbacks defeat you. Or you can learn from them and use them to make you a better manager. And maybe even a better person.

Failure is a part of life. Embrace it, know it, and understand it. Because it’s going to happen anyway.

#5. Write More Interesting Marketing Copy Today

Grab this mind-blowing tip while it’s hot!

Don’t we all want to create more interesting marketing?

Women on Business says interesting marketing means making boring topics more fascinating. Their suggestions are all good ones. And they dovetail rather well with advice we’ve seen before. That is, know your customer buyer persona. Address their concerns. Write directly to them, as if they were the only people in the world.

And you may have noticed some of that more interesting marketing in these Friday blog posts. Oops, you caught us! But that’s okay.

So now that you know what can make for more interesting marketing, allow your intrepid blog writer to exercise those interesting marketing muscles. In short, it’s time for a story.

What Do You Do When Interesting Marketing Just Can’t Happen?


It happens.

So, back in the day, I was a freelance writer. And I ran my own little business. This involved writing about, well, every single little thing that needed to be written about.

This included such fascinating topics such as:

  • Parking lot striping (that’s the painted lines between parking spots)
  • The psychology of male suicide (a tragic topic which isn’t boring, just hard to write about)
  • Pest control
  • Auto emissions testing
  • Lawn care
  • Choosing the right bailout kit (for rock climbing)
  • Federal employment law

Anyway, you get the idea.

So, how the heck do you write hundreds if not thousands of words on parking lot striping?

Interesting Marketing Techniques to the Rescue!

It really made me happy to see that a number of the tricks I used were endorsed in the article. Which, by the way, you really should read in its entirety. Yes, it’s that good.

But back to my story.

interesting marketing Credit Suite3 - Interesting Marketing Tips for You – 10 Brilliant Business Tips of the WeekResearch is key for truly esoteric topics. And so is breaking up the copy. Because even the more ardent parking lot striping fans (Are there such people? If so, I’m feeling kinda sorry for them) will probably suffer from MEGO if you don’t break up the text somehow.

Oh, and MEGO means ‘my eyes glaze over’.

Another great tip is to add relevance. Why are you writing about what you’re writing about? And why should your readers care in the first place? Without relating your copy to their needs, they won’t read it.


And the tip about adding humor? I like to think I do that, too. At least, I hope you’re pleased. I don’t expect you to fall off your chair, or anything.

So the other part of interesting marketing is it’s necessary even when the topic is fascinating. After all, and trust me on this one, folks – this is all too easy to do. When it comes to writing marketing copy, if you don’t watch it, you can make anything boring.

interesting marketing Credit Suite4 - Interesting Marketing Tips for You – 10 Brilliant Business Tips of the Week

Interesting Marketing

If you are as passionate about succeeding in business as we are, please help us spread the word about how to take the plunge and save time and money – and your sanity! More interesting marketing copy will help your business make more money.

#4. Use Brainstorming More Effectively

Check out this spectacular tip, all about bettering and perfecting your brainstorming process. Under 30 CEO notes that one fantastic way to spur creativity is – get this – boredom.

So walk away from the problem or issue for a while. The solution may come to you when you least expect it. There’s an awfully good reason why a lot of us get our best ideas in the shower.

A related tip was to change your scenery and thereby change your perspective. Take a new route to work. Move the furniture in your office. Bring in a plant. Head out to the coffee shop to get some work done. Your creativity will be all the better for it.

#3. Build Interest in Your Products and Services

It’s not your imagination: this winning tip can get prospects more interested in your product. We figure this can also apply to services. Talk about your interesting marketing! HubSpot tells us that engaging the prospect is vital. And they gave a fascinating method for doing just that.

Picture this.

A sales person calls you and you’re interested enough to not just hang up. And then after a while, they say to you, “There’s one more thing I want to talk about before our conversation ends. Would you be so kind to remind me of it before we hang up?”

That’s a brilliant bit of marketing.


Because it does two things. One, it gauges if someone is truly paying attention and interested. If you’re not, then you won’t remind the caller. You’ll just end the call as soon as you politely can. But if you are interested, then you may be intrigued by whatever that extra thing is. Is it a discount? A slightly different offering which would suit you better? A free gift?”

And the other thing it does is, it gives the caller a reason to extend the conversation. Which just so happens to be another of the terrific tips in that article.

#2. Creativity is Awesome – But Ranking in Search is Equally Awesome

Our second to last unbeatable tip can give you a new perspective on SEO copywriting. Because along with all of that interesting marketing language, you do still need to rank in search. Word Stream reveals all about ranking on Google. And while there are other search engines, the bottom line is Google is the big, 900 pound gorilla. And that’s not even including Google Images search, which is technically separate.

So if there’s a choice between what Bing wants and what Google wants, the answer is clear. Sorry, Bing.

This is another article to read in its entirety. So we’ll just cherry pick a few points here.

Keyword Intention

Why are people searching for … whatever it is they’re searching for? There’s a marked difference between a search for the history of Christmas and one for how to throw a great Christmas party.

Google loves it when you match intent to content. So if you’re selling, for example, Christmas ornaments, you need to lay off the history of them or just mention it in passing before getting to the goods.

And for people looking for the history of Christmas trees, you’re not matching their intent if you associate that keyword phrase with a page where you’re selling wreaths. Not only do you have the product wrong, but you’re also not matching searcher intention.

Target Ancillary Keywords

Just what does that mean? It means that if you’re selling Christmas tree ornaments, you might want to add phrases like Christmas angel, holiday ornament, and Xmas decorations to your content. Often a great piece of content can rank for more than one key phrase. Related keyword phrases bolster your case for ranking on any of those phrases.

One great place where you see this is the related searches section. Your related keyword phrases are, if you select them well, going to answer those related search queries as well. And that means they’ll be on the first page of related search results.

#1. How Do You Use Your Organizational Chart? Wait, You Don’t Use Yours? Here’s How You Can

We saved the best for last. For our favorite remarkable tip, we focused on making your organizational chart more useful. A bit different from interesting marketing, but still helpful for running a business, eh? E One Network says there are better uses for an org chart than just as something pinned to the bulletin in the break room and then forgotten and covered by a flyer asking for a car pooling buddy.

Our fave tip was to ditch the names. It’s a great idea. Consider this. People may move around or come and go. So instead of continuously changing it, why not just show that the Content Manager (er, that’s me) has a writer under her? If there’s another writer hired, or 50 hired, then the relationship is already in place.  A new employee hired a year from now can use the exact same chart as one hired 20 years ago.

Not bad for a simple file, eh?

So which one of our brilliant business tips was your favorite? And which one will you be implementing now?

interesting marketing Credit Suite4 - Interesting Marketing Tips for You – 10 Brilliant Business Tips of the Week

Interesting Marketing

If you are as passionate about succeeding in business as we are, please help us spread the word about how to take the plunge and save time and money – and your sanity! More interesting marketing copy will help your business make more money.

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