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Support Remote Working and More –10 Brilliant Business Tips of the Week

Published By Janet Gershen-Siegel at March 13th, 2020

You’re concerned about the coronavirus. So are we. So, we put together 10 awesome business tips helping you to support remote working even long after COVID-19 becomes a distant memory.

The Hottest and Most Brilliant Business Tips for YOU – Support Remote Working and More

Our research ninjas at Credit Suite put on surgical masks and smuggled out ten amazing business tips for you! Be fierce and score in business with the best tips around the web. You can use them today and see fast results. You can take that to the bank – these are foolproof! Support remote working to keep your employees safe – plus more ways to refresh your business and marketing.

Stop making stupid decisions and start powering up your business. Demolish your business nightmares and start celebrating as your business fulfills its promise.

And these brilliant business tips are all here for free! So, settle in and scoop up these tantalizing goodies before your competition does!

#10. Content is King; We’re All Just Vassals (or Maybe Court Jesters)support remote working Credit Suite2 - Support Remote Working and More –10 Brilliant Business Tips of the Week

Our first jaw-dropping tip is all about kicking off your content marketing the right way. Inc says the first key point is to own your own content. Oh yes. Oh my God, yes.

What does this mean?

Owning your own content virtually always means your business has a blog and a website. It’s not Wix and it’s not Medium. Content ownership matters because you never know when a platform will implode. Remember: people used to think MySpace would be around forever.

Heh, not so much now, eh?

Here’s another tip we really liked.

Define Your Niche, and Then Broaden It

What does Credit Suite write about? Well, we don’t write about business in the generic sense. Rather, we write about business credit. And there are some natural offshoots to that. That includes these Friday blog posts about marketing. It also includes what it takes to start a business, and how to fund yours.

But we don’t write about just anything when it comes to business. So, don’t expect to get advice about working with foreign exporters here. But that’s okay. There are plenty of other places to find such information.

The bottom line is you don’t have to be all things to all people. For that way lies madness. Get good at your niche!

#9. Marketing for Those of Us with Champagne Tastes and Beer Pocketbooks

The next awesome tip is about marketing for a startup when your budget is, shall we say, less than grand. Young Upstarts notes the old school business card is still a fantastic way to market yourself.

It also has the benefit of being something tangible. Even with fewer gatherings (thanks a heap, COVID-19), there’s nothing stopping you from slipping a business card into an envelope with something you’re mailing anyway. That could be advertising materials or even invoices.

Here’s another idea we loved.

Fishbowl Marketing

Have you ever seen one of these on a receptionist’s desk? It’s one of those things where you toss your business card (there’s another use for ‘em) into the bowl or bucket. You’re entered into a contest for … something. 

Of course, only one person (or only a few people) wins. What happens to all those other business cards?

If you said they’re added to a marketing mailing list, then give yourself a gold star. And if they’re just tossed, then what a wasted opportunity!

So, collect the cards. And for the folks who don’t win? How about telling them they’re entered into a second chance drawing or future drawings? Give to get, as we say.

Mailing lists filled with warm prospects are worth more than their weight in gold. The good old fishbowl is an easy way to build one, for nearly no cost.

support remote working Credit Suite4 - Support Remote Working and More –10 Brilliant Business Tips of the Week

If you are as passionate about succeeding in business as we are, please help us spread the word about how to take the plunge and save time and money – and your sanity! Support remote working for more than safety and health – it’s great for productivity, too. Plus, nine more fantastic tips!

#8. You Have from the Ground Floor to the Top Floor to Convince Me: Now, Go!

Our following life-changing tip concerns writing an elevator pitch. Business Knowhow lays it all out for us.  This is a skill you can use elsewhere in life, by the way. 

Maybe the best part of this article is the emphasis on personal connections and tailoring. We believe in value in every transaction here at Credit Suite. And you should, too! Your audience certainly does.

It all starts with understanding what they’re looking for. So, let’s go with a fer-instance.

An Example

Let’s say you sell perfume. A retailer is wondering whether it’s worthwhile to set aside some of their valuable shelf space for your product. An end user is wondering what your product smells like. And they may be wondering if you ever test on animals. And a distributor may be concerned with how well your product is packaged to prevent breakage, and where your manufacturing center or warehouse is. 

Telling your end user or a retailer that your product is made in Milwaukee is going to get you tuned out right quick. And telling a distributor that your product smells like lavender and mint doesn’t matter to them unless your packaging fails. Or there’s a spill on the highway.

A Personal Story

Elevator pitches (often in writing) are an integral part of the author experience. In a few moments, I have to convince a publisher that they want to read all 100,000+ words of a science fiction story showcasing the struggles in a society composed of humans, smart robots, and aliens.

This has led me to understanding better about what a publisher (or agent) wants. They want something that sells. That’s their bottom line. So, while they want to know if my book will be a page turner, they’re also wondering what the ultimate readership could be. This helps them figure out how to market it. So, if I tell them it’s a cross between Alien Nation and I, Robot, then they’ve got a much better idea of who might want to read the novel. 

This is different from how the story might be pitched to readers. That’s the blurb (you know, the piece on the back cover of a book or in the description section on Amazon). For a reader, I might draw an analogy to current attitudes toward immigration and technology.

You may have a service and not a product. And if you have a product, it’s probably not a book. So, your specifics will differ. But this is yet another area where tailoring will serve you well.

#7. Good Blog Posting is no Accident

So, for our next sensational tip, we looked at creating converting blog posts. Opt in Monster says that breaking up texts makes it more compelling.

That’s kind of why we do it in these posts!

But there’s more than that, when it comes to writing a blog post to help with conversions. We’ll just concentrate on one of the tips in this article.

Bang! Bullet Points to the Rescue

The best things about bullet points are:

  • They’re easy to read
  • Readers are naturally drawn to them
  • They’re a great way to make short, sharp points
  • You don’t need to even write full sentences
  • In fact, they’re supposed to be a lot more like headlines
  • And they break up text beautifully

#6. Creating Bite-Sized Content for Bite-Sized Attention Spans

This tip is so cool, and it works! G2 tells us all about creating ‘digestible’ content. 

Did you know the current attention span is something like eight seconds?

That’s less time than it just took me to read the first part of our tip #8 (right before the ‘An Example’ subheading). And I know what it says! The first time you read it, it probably took more like eight seconds to read the first one or two paragraphs.

Yeah, it’s like that. Whoa.

Short, Sweet, and Maybe to the Point

The article focuses on some great forms of short content and how to get them going. We highly recommend reading the article in its entirety. So, let’s talk about one type of nugget-sized content.


We create business credit videos here. Lots and lots of videos. Some are short, and some are longer. The beauty of video isn’t just that you can get a lot across in a shorter amount of time. It’s also possible to multitask when it’s on. You’re busy. I’m busy. All God’s children are busy.

So, make it easier for your unbelievably busy audience to connection with you and give them short, sweet content mixed in with the deeper dives.

#5. Keep Your Workers Safer and Support Remote Working – Now and Forever

support remote working Credit Suite3 - Support Remote Working and More –10 Brilliant Business Tips of the WeekGrab this mind-blowing tip while it’s hot! 

And you can help people, too, which is awesome. You can do so when you support remote working.

Effortless HR says when you support remote working, you allow for more employee flexibility. Because the challenge is less to attract top talent these days (although that’s still vital) – it’s keeping them. And keeping them happy.

Of course, this setup reduces operational expenses. Imagine having to only rent enough office space for 15 workers, rather than 30. And if you offer a commuting benefit, you’re only paying for gas or train or bus tickets for 15 people (or whatever the figure is). After all, it makes sense. Letting people work from home means you don’t need to pay someone to commute from their bedroom or kitchen to their spare room or couch or the like.

Let’s concentrate on one terrific benefit when you support remote working.

Look at that Big Candidate Pool – Just Look at it!

That is, when you support remote working, you’re allowing people to work who couldn’t before. The parent with the small child. The caregiver for an elderly parent. And, yes, the person who’s disabled, either temporarily or permanently. 

Your employee could be in a wheelchair, and it wouldn’t make any difference versus other employees who aren’t. They could have a child who needs attention. But so long as they get their work done, then things should be golden. 

Personally, I love working from home. And I am just about at a point where I wouldn’t even consider a company if they didn’t offer it (don’t worry; I’m not looking to jump ship). But yeah, it means that much to me.

support remote working Credit Suite4 - Support Remote Working and More –10 Brilliant Business Tips of the Week

If you are as passionate about succeeding in business as we are, please help us spread the word about how to take the plunge and save time and money – and your sanity! Support remote working for more than safety and health – it’s great for productivity, too. Plus, nine more fantastic tips!

#4. Ready, Set, Makeover!

So, check out this spectacular tip, all about giving your office a productivity makeover. After all, even as you support remote working, you may still have folks who’ve got to be the office. Under 30 CEO notes that your environment can have a serious effect on your productivity. One of their tips really surprised us.

Clutter, Clutter, Everywhere

You may be used to working amidst a lot of papers you’re not working on right now. 

Guilty as charged.


And here’s why.

Clutter can actually make you more creative. How? It has to do with being able to make unique and new connections. But that tanks your productivity. Once you’ve got the creative stuff going on, it’s time to buckle down and execute on your ideas.

So, maybe take out those papers and the like, whatever helps you get creative, to start. But then put them away when it’s time to get in gear and get things done.

#3. Initial Traction, then Scaling

So, it’s not your imagination: this winning tip can help you scale your efforts. Startup Professionals tells us your first job is to get traction. Of course, you should – otherwise, you won’t have a business!

But once you’ve gotten going, things are going to have to change. This is a part of the natural progression of startup ventures. Things need to slow down and pivot after a while.

Let’s concentrate on two separate tips.

Squeeze Those Pennies!

Can you get a volume discount? Or maybe a few percent off if you pay early? If you can do it, then go for little helpers like this. Get used to looking for the bargains out there. And get used to finding ways to defer payments. Hey, starting business credit is one great way to do that.

That’s one of the reasons why we here think it’s so awesome.

Selling is Everyone’s Job

Just adding sales to someone’s job title shouldn’t be necessary to get them to help with sales. This doesn’t mean everyone is hard selling and cold calling, etc. Rather, it means your employees are company advocates. This can even get into them telling their friends they like working for you (assuming they do, of course). More easily and cheaply attracting great talent is a terrific way to save money.

By the way, the article says to do this and we agree – reward people who help with this! Being a wonderful place to work is a pretty surefire way to convince your employees to tell your pals they, you know, actually like working for you.

#2. Job Candidates are People, Too

Well, of course they are. 

Our second to last unbeatable tip can give you a new perspective on improving the job candidate experience. Indeed reveals all about treating your future employees better. 

It’s hard to hire these days. So, why make it harder for yourself? 

I’ve been through a ton of job interviews and the hiring process varies wildly from place to place. This tip really resonated.

Don’t Wait Forever to Provide Feedback

At a certain point, a job candidate will think you’re ghosting them if you don’t follow up soon. At the absolute minimum, please let people know if they’re still in the running. And if they aren’t, then cut them loose.

#1. Is Disruption Compatible with Customer Satisfaction and Process Excellence? It Can Be

We saved the best for last. For our favorite remarkable tip, we focused on how industry disruptors can improve customer satisfaction and process excellence. Entrepreneur says these are not mutually exclusive goals. We recommend reading the article in its entirety, so instead we’ll focus on one particular point.

Map and Maintain Your Processes

YouTube is a disruptor. So’s Google. You honestly think they don’t have any processes in place? Of course, they do! Those are processes for everything from hiring to deciding on the color the walls in their offices.

Processes help with workflow. They save time and, by extension, money. The gist of it is – if it’s already been decided, then that’s one less thing to do. So, your business can be Disruption City. Just, stop reinventing the wheel all the time.

So, which one of our brilliant business tips was your favorite? And which one will you be implementing now? 

support remote working Credit Suite4 - Support Remote Working and More –10 Brilliant Business Tips of the Week

If you are as passionate about succeeding in business as we are, please help us spread the word about how to take the plunge and save time and money – and your sanity! Support remote working for more than safety and health – it’s great for productivity, too. Plus, nine more fantastic tips!

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