Hear from our clients why our business credit and partner program are so awesome.



Christine Farrell

Christine Farrell

LaGrange, IN

“One of the biggest surprises was when we got the Apple approval for twelve-thousand-five-hundred. The guy that approved me said that limit is much higher than they normally give, so he said we must’ve done something right.”

Christine Farrell my husband is Brian Farrell, we run and own Field Transportation LLC, he is been for Trucking Industry for 20 plus years, I’ve been in it 13 after meeting him,

he’s actually a second-generation truck driver, he’s grandfather work for roadway until he retired. So it’s kinda family tradition.

We decided to start our own business because of the freedom and we don’t have to worry about clock in and out, we are financially free, we are actually able to schedule vacation time that I haven’t to wait for somebody else.

I know how that ability to work around my home life versus my work life and there’s an actual balance there.

It’s just the freedom aspect of it. Well the impact we have, is we have the ability to bring a long established company into the Dallas, Fort Worth Texas area, we have the ability to bring a good history, steady Income for people who are looking for jobs, the ability to expand and with the truck driver shortage were able to provide what people looking for. If they need a job we can hire them, if they need help, we’ll help them. So it doesn’t matter which portion we can do, we can bring that to the community and moving forward. 3 years ago, oh no I’m sorry it was 2 years ago when we found Credit Suite, we were almost ready to shut down and say enough is enough we can do it anymore, we’ve got in fuel cards to the Credit Suite, we’ve got some Cash Credit Cards to them, we’ve also got line of credit for housing, equipment and things like that, that we needed totaling over $800,000 dollars in credit, so we’ve got in quite a bit. It gave us an opportunity to keep our company open.

Now we have the ability to expand because Credit Suite was able to help us to get the credit we needed for the company. We’re able to hire more drivers, we’re able to pay the bills when it’s more comfortable to us, instead right away, and it just gives us more flexibility, plus it gives our company a better rating and we’ve got more customer because of the better rating. So it’s kind of a Win-win situation, the better your credit, the better the customer based.

With Credit Suite there’s a wealth of knowledge you give free video’s on live through Facebook Live, you got the group, you’ve got people who are in the group, you can ask questions of, then you had the paid system that will allow you to go that, they make sure you go through everything from the time you had sign up to the time you go to the first year, they want to make sure that everything is set up your LLC is done properly, your EIN number, your DUNS number, your phone number, your website everything is done correctly before you even start Tier 1, and its tier completely different because if you don’t qualify for tier 2, because you don’t have enough vendors on 1, it won’t let you progress, there’s a guided system that help set you up properly, efficiently, correctly.

It seems like it’s a hindrance but it’s not, because it is put in place for your safety. So either way through Credit Suite either the free version or the paid version you will be set up properly and you will be set up to succeed. If you’re serious with Business Credit and if your serious about seeing your company grow this is your best option, yes there are other companies out there that can do it, but do you really want them doing it for you And you have no control? Or would you rather take control and know that it’s, one is set up properly, and two it’s also it’s done properly and if you have any questions they have the support team both on the free version and the calls excuse me, the call center. So you have two different variations, so yes! I would highly recommend Credit Suite and I would definitely say it is well worth the money spent, and It is well worth the time and the effort to do it yourself because you get all the help and you can literally become even big success story than me, push yourself forward, keep doing it, I’m proof that this system works.