Hear from our clients why our business credit and partner program are so awesome.


Pam Cappucio

Pam Cappucio

Palm Beach, FL

I became a partner of Credit Suite. Let me tell you that was probably the best thing I ever did because that training is unbelievable

Hi I’m Pam Cappucio with Credit Create. I’m here to tell you I’ve been an entrepreneur since about 1992. And then I thought I was a retired entrepreneur which that was very nice for some time. However,  when the market crashed I needed help.


So I needed to get a loan modification. Plus I had a second mortgage and I really wasn’t sure what to do. So I went in search of people to recommend people I found in place and I signed up with them. So I was so excited to finally get help that there was going to be relief. I kept showing up there like did you guys do anything today or what’s going on. Where are we at. And they were kind enough to offer me a job. They said you keep coming here every day. Do you want it. You want a job. And I said Oh my God thank God. I didn’t really know how to work a computer. I’ve been out of business for quite some time. So I said Yes please. As I was there one day I’m talking with the. Owner. And the girl that’s headed the long month came storming through and she quit. She up and quit right then and there left. So I said Oh my God. And I went to check on your partner Dee.  Dee was in the room right now. They said Dee Why are you crying. And she said I really don’t know how to do this. And I said a look at all these files. I’m part of these files. I’m in these files. There’s files from the floor all the way up to the ceiling and there are people and there’s people. That’s their home. So we’re gonna be like Erin Brockovich we’re going to learn how to help these people. And that’s what we did. So with that I learned everything I could about loan modifications. I liked winning. I had a 98 percent success rate but there was that 2 percent that I couldn’t save their home. And that kind of kept me up at night. I knew that’s not where they wanted to do all the time. So as I helped those people and loan modifications were kind of come into a little bit of a close at that time.


I said wade into credit repair. I already had clients from the people that I helped you know get their loan modifications. So from that I learned more and more about credit repair. I didn’t know much.


So I’m learning and learning and I was invited to a boot camp. When I went to boot camp. I learned so much more. I didn’t even know compliance for the business but I learned a lot from that boot camp. And that’s when I saw Ty Crandall. He came up and he spoke about business credit and cutting down the personal guarantee. And I’m thinking wow I’m getting funding companies that come to me because they can’t get that client alone because they even have too many inquires. So now I’m listening to Ty and listening to Ty I’m thinking that’s where I want to go. I want to have business credit. So it was a little bit afraid of putting out the money at the time but I went on a payment program and I became a partner of Credit Suite. Let me tell you that was probably the best thing I ever did because that training is unbelievable. You cannot ask for one more thing. Really I can’t think of one thing that I could ask them to do. They’re on the phone. If I call all the training is there and when you have the confidence of selling a product that you could actually pass the ball to the team you could sell that product. So much easier. I sell the product. The business finance suite or the credit building and I put them into the program from there. Ty’s team takes over. They call the client once a day for five days and then once a week for the next year! They make sure that all the I’s are dotted T’s are crossed. They move your client right through the whole system.


So it’s a very easy sale for you knowing that you have a very good team players. I’d like to say thank you Credit Suite. You couldn’t be any more awesome.